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Beetroot Boltardy


An excellent, very popular early variety with as the name suggests good resistance to bolting. The beets are a deep red with smooth skin and an intense sweet flavour. Young leaves can be used as baby leaves in mixed salads.


Beetroot Boltardy

Beetroot Boltardy . An excellent, very popular early variety with as the name suggests good resistance to bolting. The beets are a deep red with smooth skin and an intense sweet flavour. Young leaves can be used as baby leaves in mixed salads.

Cultivation Advice Beetroot Boltardy

Sow seeds in situ in Spring after the last frost when the ground has warmed up and then plant successive sowings to early summer.
Thinly sow 1cm deep in rows 30cm apart. Thin seedlings to 8cm apart.
Early sowings can be made indoors / heated greenhouse in modules / trays and planted out at 5cm tall after all risk of frost has passed.
Pre-soaking seed in warm water 0.5 – 1 hour before sowing will speed up germination.

Additional information

Seed count



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