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Brussel Sprout Brilliant F1


An early variety with good F1 plant characteristics and excellent disease tolerance producing reliable crops of very high quality. Unlike many other early varieties ‘Brilliant’ producers heavy buttons which stand well into winter.

1917 in stock


Brussel Sprout Brilliant F1

Brussel Sprout Brilliant F1. An early variety with good F1 plant characteristics and excellent disease tolerance producing reliable crops of very high quality. Unlike many other early varieties ‘Brilliant’ producers heavy buttons which stand well into winter.

Cultivation Advice Brussel Sprout Brilliant F1

For an early crop start seeds indoors in the earliest part of spring.
Or direct sow seeds outdoors in late Spring after last frost.
Cover seed with 1/8 inch fine soil.
For a later fall-winter crop, sow seeds directly outdoors or start indoors by midsummer.
Keep soil moderately moist during germination.
When seedlings are 2 inches tall indoors, thin to 2 inches apart or transplant to individual pots.
Transplant seedlings outdoors after hardening off, when danger of serious frost has passed.
Space plants 18 to 24 inches apart in rows 2 to 3 feet apart depending upon available garden space.
Brussels Sprouts grow best in a sunny location with fairly rich well drained compacted soil.
Harvest sprouts from bottom of plant up as heads mature.
Do not grow in same area of garden where members of cabbage family were grown the year before.

Additional information

Seed count



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