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Leek Giant DInverno


A large Italian, improved giant winter leek for late season use producing huge long white stems with a small bulb, blue-green tops and excellent flavour.

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Leek Giant DInverno

A large Italian, improved giant winter leek for late season use producing huge long white stems with a small bulb, blue-green tops and excellent flavour. Extremely hardy it will withstand the harshest winters and crop through to early spring. 120 days. (120 days)

Cultivation advice Leek Giant DInverno

Days To Germination: 14 to 18 days
Optimum Soil Temp. For Germination: 60 to 80F
Days To Harvest: 130 days
Planting Depth: 1/2inch
Spacing, Row: 24 inches
Spacing, Plant: 8 inches
Light: Sunny Location

Leek is extremely hardy, forgiving and can be planted as soon as the soil can be worked.
Sow sparingly directly in drills in early-mid spring, the aim to produce pencil thick plants of around 8” tall for transplant to their final position.
Can be planted in trays under cover and transplanted for an earlier crop.
When pencil size (around Jun/Jul) lift carefully and remove the top third of the foliage and 1/3 of the roots.
Transplant in pre-made holes of 4-6 inches deep, 8 inches between plants in a sunny position with rotted organic matter incorporated. If space is limited this can be reduced, provided you pull alternative plants when young to make space for the remainder to grow.
When transplanting carefully poor water into the hole to wash soil around the roots, then leave and earth up as they grow to blanche the stems. (Do not get soil between the leaves).
Harvest alternate plants when large enough for use.

Additional information

Seed count



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