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Melon Cantaloupe Hearts of Gold


One of the finest Cantaloupe Melon varieties you can grow with almost round, netted skin. The 1.3-1.8kg (3 to 4lb) fruits are aromatic, sweet, with thick deep orange flesh and a small seed cavity. Ripens early under glass or outdoors if very sheltered.

1920 in stock


Melon Cantaloupe Hearts of Gold

Melon Cantaloupe Hearts of Gold. One of the finest Cantaloupe Melon varieties you can grow with almost round, netted skin. The 1.3-1.8kg (3 to 4lb) fruits are aromatic, sweet, with thick deep orange flesh and a small seed cavity. Ripens early under glass or outdoors if very sheltered.

Cultivation Advice Melon Cantaloupe Hearts of Gold

Sow in warmth in late spring in 3 inch pots, 1/2in deep
(windowsill or heated greenhouse – 3-4 seeds per pot.
5-10 days germination.
After germination thin to strongest seedlings before planting to pot or ground.
Best grown under cover, but possible in very warm sheltered positions outside.
Can be trained to save space or left to trail.

Additional information

Seed count



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