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Parsnip Tender And True


An excellent and popular long rooted variety with high quality smooth roots, suitable for exhibition and an excellent flavour. One of the best for resistance to canker. Crops in 102 Days.

1919 in stock


Parsnip Tender And True

Parsnip Tender And True. An excellent and popular long rooted variety with high quality smooth roots, suitable for exhibition and an excellent flavour. One of the best for resistance to canker. Crops in 102 Days. Parsnip seed is short lived and should be replaced each year for best results.

Cultivation Advice Parsnip Tender And True

Parsnips ideally require deep, stone free soil which has been manured for a previous crop.
Sun or partially shade is required for the growing location.
Sow from Feb-Apr thinly 1/2in deep with 12in between rows.
Sowing time should be dependent on the weather to avoid particularly wet or cold spells.
Germination rates are very dependent on weather conditions and can take up to 3 weeks.
If little is seen after that period re-sow immediately.
When large enough to handle thin to 6in between plants.
Thinning’s do not transplant well.
The crop requires little attention other than keeping weed free.
The roots are ready for harvesting when the tops begin to die down.
Dig as required as the roots will stand in the ground until late winter
unless the soil become heavily water-logged.

Additional information

Seed count



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