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Squash Strawberry Crown


A productive vining winter squash originating from Brazil producing 4-6 fruits per vine averaging 3kg per fruit. The squash have a round, ribbed, slightly flattened shape with a grey-brown colour maturing with a salmon / strawberry tinge in autumn. The flavour is rich, the texture is smooth, not stringy at all like some squash.

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Squash Strawberry Crown

Squash Strawberry Crown. A productive vining winter squash originating from Brazil producing 4-6 fruits per vine averaging 3kg per fruit. The squash have a round, ribbed, slightly flattened shape with a grey-brown colour maturing with a salmon / strawberry tinge in autumn. The flavour is rich, the texture is smooth, not stringy at all like some squash. Best started early as this variety needs a good long summer to achieve its potential.

Cultivation Advice Squash Strawberry Crown

A sunny spot protected from strong winds is essential.
The soil must be well drained and rich in humus, the more the better.
Many winter Squash / Pumpkins like to sprawl out and need plenty of space.
Vining Squash / Pumpkins require a larger area to run,
whilst semi-vining and bush varieties of winter squash / courgette can be well contained.
For an early start (Mid / Late Apr) place a single seed edgeways 1/2inch deep in seed compost in a 3inch pot.
The critical part is temperature, these need at least 65F continuous soil temperature
(preferably more to maximise germination rates) until germinated,
so a propagator, well heated greenhouse or airing cupboard is ideal
Keep the soil moist – water copiously around the plants, not over them.
Keep weed free to allow air circulation.
Once the fruits start to swell feed every 14 days with a tomato type fertilizer,
these are greedy plants.
Limit larger fruiting varieties to 2-3 fruits (for giant pumpkins 1

Additional information

Seed Count



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