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Viper’s Bugloss


Although a naturally occurring wild flower it is equally at home in the garden border developing a rosette of oblong hairy leaves from which arises a stout flowering spike (90cm) with blue conical flowers up its length. Each flower has protruding red stamens.

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Viper’s Bugloss

Viper’s Bugloss is a very distinctive medium to tall grassland biennial and a favorite for bees. Although a naturally occurring wildflower it is equally at home in the garden border developing a rosette of oblong hairy leaves from which arises a stout flowering spike (90cm) with blue conical flowers up its length. Each flower has protruding red stamens. Flowering occurs repeatedly from June to September. Best planted away from paths or where children may play as the plant does has sharp spines and can cause skin irritation.

Cultivation Advice Viper’s Bugloss

  • Best sown directly to the growing location (Mar – Mayor Aug – Sep flowering the following year. Early sowing may generate flowers in the first year.
  • Prefers well-drained or sandy soil in a sunny position.
  • Sow thinly on finely tilled soil and just cover the seed by fine raking. (15-18C ideal for germination).
  • Germination in 6-8 weeks in ideal conditions and seedlings can be moved and pricked out.
  • Will readily self-seed if left to stand into autumn

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